Well I've gotten myself well and truly up to my eyeballs in work now! I've signed up to two on-line courses which run at the same time - eeek. There defiantly won't be much housework done here this week!
The first is too much fun - Faces 101 - yup I'll draw 101 faces in a week! 16 done already and it's just day one.
I love the exercises Carla gets us to do - lots of freeing up, playing with materials, shapes and letting go of what we think a face should look like. Super excited about whats in store next!
The other class relates to my textile background is fun, intense packed with sooo much information and fabulousness it's taken me a while to get started properly - I'm way behind the rest of my group but will be working my mac to the limits this week to catch up! Its the art and business of surface pattern design and is ran by the talented and generous Rachael Taylor
I have been working on my first collection called 'the dreamer' based on this painting and had so much fun - I'd forgotten how carried away I get when I'm designing - utter bliss.
So - it's busy :-) but ya know...
...Life is for Learning