
Thursday, February 24, 2011

L0ve Bunch

Cl0se up 0f a recent pic - !'m minus a proper studio and have a small baby t0 look after at the m0 so am doing more small scale work. I'm f!nd!ng the restr!ctions are surpr!s!ngly reward!ng

"The m0re c0nstra!nts 0ne !mp0ses ,the m0re 0ne frees 0neself 0f the cha!ns that shackle the sp!r!t" !gor Stravinsky

New £eyb0ard !s c0m!ng s00n.... xx

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mail Me Art Submission - 2010

Mail Me Art Submission - 2010. Exhibited as part of the Mail Me Art Submission - this was a great mail art project which culminated in an exhibition in London and book Mail Me Art: Medium Without a Message